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Friday, December 16, 2011

I Have Had It Confirmed From A Reliable Source...

There was never ever a complaint against the care company and/or the carer as I was led to believe and my carer believed...

The complaint was/is about me and my care(or lack of)so all the guff I have been told and "How well I am doing etc..." is lies.

And I now know that the care company has been quite fourthright regarding refuting the criticism of their care of Mum and basically told Social Services "Where to go" and now it would appear that I am on my own with a black mark against my name and no idea what has been written about me.

I have not therefore even had the right to have my views put alongside what is their official files and on the quiet from my sources the opinion of social services and how they go about things isn't very high.

So at the risk of getting in the Social Services bad books I think that I must take this further and yet I keep holding back for the fear of all the stories you hear about how if you upset them you'll pay for it in the future.


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