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Friday, December 09, 2011

Today Has Been A Success...

regarding eating.

Ok its small portions but its almost like a day should be(the equivalent of Breakfast, Lunch and Evening meal)

Mum has had porridge. Wholemeal toast with Manuka honey.

Soup containing pea, ham, chicken, leek and potato.

Quiche and baked beans.

Banana flavoured Angel Delight made with semi-skimmed milk.

And various drinks including Complan, Tea, Water and Blueberry fruit juice.

That pleases me.

So if she eats less another day I don't feel so bad.


Anonymous VQ said...

She IS doing well.
Well done you.

10 December 2011 at 09:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its great when you get a day like that(Not much veg though...)although the soupn had a fair bit...

The soup was nice but a bit of a surprise as I opened and mixed two different varieties.

As I liquidise most soups these days we're now drinking it out of mugs rather than using bowls...its easier...

10 December 2011 at 10:26  

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