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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Well, Here We Are At This Early Hour...

and what I should be thinking about is Mum. Instead I am thinking about what happened yesterday and what will happen next. The District Nurse service and Social Worker will say they are only wanting the best for Mum too and that is why they are doing what they are.

But I am coping fine and not stressed and am ready to ask for extra help if I/we feel we need it and when Mum's health fails(If she lives long enough for that to be an issue)

For now we are doing great! Considering the difficult situation we find ourselves. Knowing even if it is a slow process things will get worse.

Unless we are at an end stage(and chances are we'd be using charity nurses that would do the work for free/donations and would stay with Mum overnight our home)the majority of work is still down to the main carer which is me.

Whether a carer is brought in for 20 minutes/60 minutes and daily instead of alternate days all that will do is add more to the cost our care and as I have said previously a carer could wash and clean mum and as they walk out the door I could be doing the very task they have just done so what advantage have we gained? It wouldn't make any difference if we had more than one visit daily.

I have discussed this(giving more examples of what was cited for the reason for the District Nurse initially making the complaints)and the Social Worker being called in and with friends. OK, I haven't put them on my blog, I cannot see any point but we all feel that even if the intention is correct it all seems a bit strange. And has been handled badly.

I am still unhappy that I was not see alone by the Social Worker and I was press ganged or disadvantaged by having both turn up together showing a united front.

I may get into some trouble but I really am tempted to phone the care company and tell them what is happening is nothing to do with us and we were happy with the care we were getting and we are as unhappy as I am sure that they are with what has happened and I don't want to see someone doing their job correctly having a black mark on their career but when you are dealing with some departments connected to the Government you worry what pressure/power they have and how much control you have over your own lives especially when you probably have to face the same people after kicking up a fuss and saying you are unhappy.

They told me that we are all working as a team for the benefit of Mum but it was obvious that I was being ignored by these officials and even though I was still saying "No" to the changes and what they are planning(and Mum felt the same when I told her)they are going ahead regardless.

I actually feel(but I don't I could actually do this)like telling them all leave us alone and stop them being involved but they'd take no notice and would probably use some legal procedure against me.

Its too late for this week and being near Christmas doesn't help but I am even thinking(though I don't know what they could do)of askingfor help from the Citizen's Advice Beaureux and see if they could offer any guidelines we should follow up.


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