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Sunday, December 11, 2011

You Know, Thinking About Mum's

situation and the refusal of having Chemo Therapy...

And the fact that it looks as though they can control it to some extent even they don't cure it made me look at my own illness. And I'd say I'm in a similar situation.

And it appears that Prednisolone(a steroid drug)and Azathioprine(An immune depressant drug)are a form of chemo. It appears that Azathioprine isn't used any more or rarely as part of officially chemo and is used for other illnesses especially Rheumatoid arthritis.

Azathioprine is given to patients who have had a transplant to avoid organ rejection.

So no wonder I feel aches and pains and tired and my condition varies daily.

That's all I need to know for now...I've never asked what stage I am with my kidney problems and knowing more may just add to the worry(possibly un-necessarily)I am just happy to hear that generally they are happy with how things are and to get away until the next check up. I have had an extra 14 years I may not have had and I hope to have a few more yet.


Anonymous VQ said...

I think you're right, Gildy.
There's no point in worrying unduly.

You've done, and are doing, all that you possibly can.
You can't do more than that.

From time to time, you mention the problem of keeping a roof over your head at a later date. Now, I don't want to pry but if you rent from the council, I'm sure they would be able to put your mind at rest if you told them of your circumstances. On the other hand, if you rent privately, I believe the council has a duty to house you if you are made homeless.
I'm sure you won't be put out on the street.
Your local councillor will be able to help you. I'm sure he/she made all sorts of promises when they wanted your vote. Call their bluff!

11 December 2011 at 18:14  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Great Ideas VQ...

I've given you some extra information privately... :-)

11 December 2011 at 20:20  

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