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Thursday, September 29, 2011

What A Day!

We really had no idea what a Blood Transfusion entailed...

Obviously, there was a lot going on behind the scenes but Mum was either sitting in a chair or laid on a bed for 3 hours and then it was lunchtime...
At which surprise, surprise they decided to hook Mum up to the transfusion.
Happily Mum ate her meal(Soup, Fish, Broccoli and Potato Bake, followed Summer Fruit Crumble and Custard)

We're still looking for the Broccoli...

And though Mum wasn't exactly slow, by the time Mum got around to the crumble it was quite cool.

The nurses were really friendly and good at their work but Mum was getting quite tired of how long it was taking for the transfusion to be completed(5 hours)

It is obvious that many who attend these sessions are regulars who have to come in every so often and have top up.

In a funny sort of a way I could see similarities to Kidney Dialysis sessions. Though I appreciate a Transfusion is replacing chemicals that are missing and the other is removing chemicals from blood.

I think Mum looks more radiant since the transfusion but she is so thin. At least she still has an appetite, her blood pressure and the temperature is fine. All good signs? Colour has returned and you don't realise until you see it for yourself. They say it takes a few days for the benefits to kick in...

Mum was in quite a lot pain upon getting home and asked me to see all was well in the bottom area(there's no modesty here)I cleaned her up, gave her a suppository and a paracetamol but in doing so I had to see the dreaded growth, its so bad and has increased in size I'm not surprised she has discomfort. It seems to have happened so suddenly, I don't remember it being as it now but we'll find out tomorrow.

A shop assistant in Boots today(somehow got onto medical conditions)and mentioned that she'd been diagnosed with something over 30 years ago and she was told it could change to Bowel Cancer but she had to avoid becoming anaemic which usually triggers this off. So has Mum's Anemia actually caused this problem?

Well that's one hospital visit finished...tomorrow its the one we dread but hope we'll get a surprise and its not as bad as we fear.


Blogger crl2amb said...


Glad it went ok - ish and that you can already see positive signs in your mum's health.

Reading your posts, I cannot help but think. "This is it. This is life in the raw.Forget all the stuff on the tv and in the papers. This is it and Gildy is living it".

You really are amazing. I would give you a medal if I could. Thank goodness you have each other.



29 September 2011 at 21:12  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, I don't know what I was doing today but Mum said "I don't know what I have done without you today!"

And the same will be ever so tomorrow...

I am having an early night and keeping Mum company and yes we will cuddle and there will be affection and why shouldn't there be.

If Mum was in hospital you can if you are lucky just about manage to hold hands.

Thank you Flying 4X. If I could I would add a blushing/bashful smiley here.

I never thought my blog would be quite this personal...

29 September 2011 at 21:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Gildy. You are a wonderful support. And now hopefully your mum can get stronger and stronger. The transfusion will be a transformation. Gosh it was so low before. The parameters go from 11.5 to 13.5. Thank goodness your mum has you!
Good luck tomorrow dear Gildy
love Carrie

29 September 2011 at 21:51  
Anonymous Virgin Queen said...

Gildy, you deserve a medal. You really, really do.
It's people like you who are the backbone of this country; not the blasted politicians.
My thoughts are with you both.

30 September 2011 at 13:05  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you all for your praise(that's not really the word I want to use)

Maybe I'll come up with a better one later.

The so called "Big" Society is going on all the time but in small ways that all add up. It doesn't need a fancy name or a hook to hang such an idea on.

The state may offer a safety net but in reality most of the time the population does the important stuff itself.

Its done in most cases not because they are going to get something out of it or duty but compassion and love.

Again today I have been told how much I was wanted, how much I am loved, How I could not have done any more than I have. That I have nothing I should need to feel guilty about or need to ask for foregiveness.

Mum genuinely believes that I will get my interests back and will enjoy life again and will be taken care of.

What can I say to that?

1 October 2011 at 13:40  

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