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Saturday, September 24, 2011

One Straw To Grasp...

I have discovered thanks to a site that is devoted to "Bowel" cancer that though the amount of people that seem to lose the fight against the disease, if discovered early enough the success rate is good regarding the extension of life and/or beating it.

It is a slow cancer so I have to hope that means we're in with a fighting chance and did not leave it too late before seeking treatment.

I have added a new website link to the left side of my blog it has lots of information and a forum where you ask questions, I print it again here...

Beating Bowel Cancer

Should you wish to follow my posts on the site and see the advice and help I am given on the forum look for Popperwell1.

Its not going to be easy and Mum goes through periods where she says she's willing to do all she must to live and survive, other times she says the opposite and then other times tells me to this due to the confusion and not comprehending the situation? If I have to decide on her behalf its going to be very difficult to be sure I make the decisions that are right for her.

I quote from one very detailed and kind piece of advice from someone who is up in this topic, I have been calling Mum's impaired memory dementia but could it be being caused by anaemia. If that is checked could she regain her usual demeanor?

After all we've tried the antibiotics for water infection which can cause this, don't think they've worked but were worth a try.

I quote:"So, the standard tests for this are likely to include blood tests for anaemia (that can cause shortness of breath and a whole host of other health problems too, including tiredness and confusion), inflammation, and to check the function of her liver and kidneys to make sure they are all working properly."


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