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Monday, September 26, 2011

Cold Blooded...

I think from previous entries on here you know that we are not rich but with the worry that Mum may not improve or get better I've had to try to start(probably too late)and find out what I should do with our finances so we are in the best position for both of us or myself.

I contacted the solicitors who ten years ago arranged our wills and Power of Attorney documents. And found them most unhelpful. They said that they couldn't advise, what's a solicitor for? Mum's bank has been pretty difficult to but that has been so for ages.

So once again(and even they may not be able to advise either)its back to the Citizen's Advice Bureau in the hope that they may, they could say that they are unable to help too.

Mum has said she wants me in charge of everything but she is not fit enough to start going to banks or solicitors and I'm not having much success regarding if I need anyone to come to our home to sort matters out.

In the end I may just have to leave everything as it is.

Its awful to have to think about practicalities at such a sad and worrying time.


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