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Thursday, September 29, 2011

On A Lighter Note...

Our odd job gardener gave us a second hand vacuum cleaner better than the one we had which packed up altogether and its good enough for now to do the cleaning, its a bag less VAX upright. Its a bit noisy though...

Today I discovered he'd bagged up some rubbish and put it in the wheelie bin. I thought...I didn't put that there(I opened it and there are things that I would not have thrown out)including some tin dishes with lids that you can cook food in an oven so I pulled it back into the passage. I didn't have time to check if anything else was thrown out but I'll go through the bag and see what's in it!

This is like something out of a comedy tv show or a film...Mum was about to eat some soup and he said he is wife had baked a meat and potato pie with gravy so he presented Mum with half a pie and took the soup off her but Mum wanted her soup so I later discovered she'd hidden most of it away and when asked, she said she'd eaten and enjoyed it! His heart was in the right place I know...

But I thought the time that had passed was too short so I looked and found what she'd done and cleared it away discreetly!

One piece was wrapped in kitchen roll and carried away from home in my trouser pocket and disposed of in a bin in the town centre.


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