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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

They Said Expect A Change In The Weather...

and rain. Well, that could still happen but as I rise the sun is shining and it looks lovely. A late light breakfast and then the unusual idea of attending a matinee at a local theatre. Not many shows to happen there for much longer because it has been awarded the go ahead for £5.4Million of a refurbishment(which considering the local council)has been closing/reducing services including an Arts Centre(that has been demolished)help being given from the lottery(and loads from the patrons)who have had to pay £1 extra on their tickets. And the same council is looking to close a large historic library and a buying for the towns covered Victorian Market.

I thought singer Anita Harris was topping the bill(and she's been the only person I have seen confirmed)but now it appears we have another 60's act and they are said to be the "Headline" act the trio The Bachelors. But that is questionable as two of trio are missing(the Brothers who played guitar)and sang and would be most known from all the hits and records that they made. These "Bachelors" have two members I do not know. The remaining original member is the tall one with a moustache who played a double bass.

Anyone else is a surprise.

I did a very small shop on the way home from the music club because of something I had seen earlier in the evening when there filling in time waiting for a bus to the music club. Then I had found a whole Rainbow Trout ok until Friday, worth £3.50 but reduced to 69p(I had to have that and do something special)but a range of Fresh Covent Garden Soup was on offer at half price and the size of the carton holds approx double the amount of most cans so you can get two servings from one carton.

That works out at around 60p per serving better than £1.17. Just occasionally you come across a bargain. Not as many these days though these days vegetables and some meat has reduced a fair bit. And many supermarkets do compete these days on basic items with the discount stores.

I shall decide if I need to  bother shaving. Have a coffee and head out around 11.30am and give myself plenty of time to casually arrive at the theatre.

I'll leave the garden until tomorrow now. The ground is not really suitable to be walked on and yesterday whilst filling the compost bin my shoes were getting clogged up with mud and the ground was being flattened.

I have been talked out of having a second compost bin so I will move the remaining bags of garden waste nearer to the house and the bin so they are nor spread out and as the compost hopefully starts to happen I'll just keep adding to the mix.

If we get a dry spell(not to be added to the bin)I'll have a go at killing off/removing the weeds that are showing themselves. Soon I'll look to filling the tubs and perhaps buy a hanging basket. I feel this year I can see a way forward.

Oh I won a box of chocolates at the music club raffle.


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