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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Felt A Bit Sorry...

the main performer at a music club tonight was struggling and forgetting the lyrics to many of the songs he was attempting to sing. We gave as much support as we were able but he was feeling bad.

I did win a bottle of wine in the raffle which I am now going to donate to another music club's raffle on Friday. Recycling items in a positive way. Looks a decent wine. A Chardonnay.

Going to have an easy day and do very little. The weather looks like its going to let any thoughts of gardening go by but if it rains I shall leave a bucket out to catch rain water to use in the compost bin. It rained overnight Sunday into Monday but I found out too late so missed the chance to catch some already. They say don't use tap water. Yet often we do when watering plants by a watering can or hose.


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