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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

I'm Back...

The news is that the local theatre is going to be closed for up to two years as it is refurbished. I guess therefore I will not be out as much and when I am I'll be going to local entertainment that could be less expensive.

The Music Hall...The Bachelors did not turn up. I suspect therefore the artists that did, performed an extra routine. We were treated to approx three hours of entertainment. We had a magician/comedian and I know him from television and was determined to remember his name(and have promptly forgot)which annoys me.

The Grumbleweeds who are still able to do stand up patter and routines. I say the Grumbleweeds. We are really down to one original from the group now but it was a double act with a new straight man. They went down very well.

Anita Harris still looked good and sounded pretty good too. The producer of the show performed singing "Old Time Songs" and the MC was Mark Walsh who also had comic patter, sang and played the banjo.

I took some quick images in the foyer and spoke to a performer who was in the audience watching but not taking part and I saw him around 2 years ago(his photo is not as clear)I'll post what I have.

I saw him at the theatre in Durham at benefit night. I should've met him around forty five years ago at the theatre I was in today as part of a school trip but I was having a minor operation. It could've been done at a surgery to be honest but I was on an operating table. And it was too late to go on the trip.

That is another popular act during my growing up, he was on so many TV shows, made comic records and was also in a highly acclaimed film Funny Bones and that is Freddie Davies.


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