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Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Think I Have Beaten The Gout...

Today I was at a funeral...a Humanist funeral. My first. It was fine. The only difference was no reference to the Bible and religious figures. The weather stayed cold but fine too. Don't know if the family chose the music or the person the funeral was for. Interesting hearing his personal story/history(which I did not know)The Music? Norman Wisdom singing "Don't Laugh At Me 'Cause I'm A Fool" and a tune played by Dire Straits used for Newcastle Football team games.

I've got myself more than a little worried about finances. If I continue to receive help I can absorb some further reduction in my budget but its going to be tight. If I fail any tests I really am up the creek without a paddle*

New legislation means if I have to reclaim or there is an interruption I will be under the new rules and I may be able to afford(just)my rent, electric and gas. This is because one benefit is about to be reduced by £30. So if you have no other savings or any other help is stopped that's it.

If you are able to claim additional help and no one knows that will always be available that will have to be used even further to do all the daily tasks and costs such as electric, gas, food etc...when originally it was to pay for extra costs having medical issues can cause.

There is a lot of talk on social media but its barely been mentioned on the media or in the newspapers.

So its Friday night, I have coffee, a radio to listen to and a hot water bottle. I'd quite welcome a lovely sleep. In dreams all seems well.

*I say me but I'm talking in very general terms and thinking of the many examples I have been hearing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one of your benefits is about to be reduced by £30, Gildy?


26 February 2016 at 23:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hiya, Its another day. I feel more positive and I heard something on the radio to help. I may not be affected. Its that word "May"

A lack of information in the press, the media and Parliament itself. Having said that it brought it home to me again, how things can change suddenly. As in you may not meet the criteria when you fill in the ever more detailed forms.

May fail any face to face tests. I need a couple of operations which if they mean staying in longer than 28 days I'd have to reapply and have no money whilst doing so.

Also any help paying your rent stops and all that would have to be fought for.

And as a new claimant could well be classed under the new rules.

If I lose the £30 but still get the other help(its not good but I'd cope)but the worry is that if one is affected the other will be too.

Also they keep switching me from benefits of one name to another. Then again they are doing that to many. Also this government decided to start their schemes in certain areas of the UK first. This being one of them.

I have the backing of my Dr's and Consultants but they don't always take evidence.

There is talk that the cut may be delayed(a compromise)to stop it going backwards and forwards between the Lords and Commons.

So I may get caught out more if I end up in hospital. I could see me attempting to discharge myself.

27 February 2016 at 15:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do seem to always look on the black side, I'd imagine there aren't many operations which would mean being in hospital more than 28 days.

It does frustrate me when you talk about financial matters, but you seem to be dragging your feet in sorting out your inheritance. It shouldn't take over 4 years!

I'm getting the impression that you don't want the money because it would mean you losing some benefits?
But if the money is there for you, why shouldn't you pay your way for a while?

I'm beginning to think that not claiming an inheritance you're due for years should be considered "deprivation of assets" as well!

27 February 2016 at 21:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So which of your benefits is where you are losing the £30? You didn't say...


27 February 2016 at 22:20  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

ESA but that could be dependent on which group you come under and a change of how many of the benefits are now decided. Forms/tests/conditions of entitlement are all being looked at and changed. Only the start.

My fears may come to nothing. I'm back to living in the now.

28 February 2016 at 17:02  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The other matter is hand and will be used to "Pay my way" as you put it. I'm guessing it may last 6mths. And as for the ops hopefully that will be the case. They want you out ASAP(they need the beds)

28 February 2016 at 17:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Sometimes I am too honest. Sometimes I say too much. Then of course like a newspaper or editorial something will not be mentioned. I said of my fears but it comes down to what "We" are told by the media or not told.

28 February 2016 at 17:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

All those that need to be informed are in the know and I have followed all the rules and am doing it all by the book. I don't put everything down.

28 February 2016 at 17:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need to be far more proactive in sorting your life out, like the Anon above said. I too am on ESA but don't moan or complain or hide from reality half as much as you do - instead, I budget sensibly and enjoy my life! You just seem to sleep and eat, Gildy, rattle around in a 3 bedroom house which must be difficult to keep warm in and cope with, and you just don't seem to enjoy your life or make the most of it, and I think it's a damn shame. :( You can blame the Government and other people/factors as much as you like - but in the end, YOU are the only one responsible for your life and your happiness and making the best of it! I can understand why readers on here get very frustrated with you and give up reading - they see you wasting your life away. Dear God, if I had some money left to me, I'd be using it to make life easier for myself now - yes, and having some treats, and if that means I have to sign off for a while until my savings dips below a certain level, then fair enough! It really is quite dishonest to not get the inheritance sorted and put off receiving it, so you can still receive benefits.

I shall now expect a huge long message from you in return blaming everyone, making excuses and generally being in denial.

I'm sorry Gildy, but I think I'm out of here and won't be visiting again...the way you live is so so is a life day you're going to end up in a care home alone and look back and wish you had been more proactive in getting more suitable accomodation, a mobility scooter to relieve your difficulties and spent your mum's money on making a new home comfortable for your old age and having some treats.

You're not old, FFS! - and yet you are going around like a little old lady of 90! I will be 53 next month just a handful of years younger than you, and though I am in a wheelchair, I thank God I have enough sense to live my life and get the most out of it!

I know this is harsh, coming from me, but your non-life just makes me so so sad.


28 February 2016 at 22:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

No, you won't get a lecture. Sorry you feel as you do. I feel quite perky and all is falling into place. Plans are afoot. It is Winter after all. But March is upon us and the first priority is the garden and I think the weather looks promising. Now I can start to move things a long.

I was told to prove all that I spend. So luxuries won't be included in the spend more necessities. Holidays are not allowed(and I would not expect them to be)

I have budgeted, my concern was if things change as reported in the media which may/may not be correct.

A blog can give a wrong impression(They're only a collection of thoughts, a snap shot)

I looked at my posts across January and February and if you allow for the fact I was ill, I thought them quite positive in general.

And I still made the effort to get out. A couple of concerts(some don't manage that)Chinese New Year Celebrations.

But if that's how you see things all I can do is send my good wishes and wish you well. Its nothing to fall out over.

As the days grow longer and light nights return there could be chance to do more.

Some assumptions are being made too, I really do try not to do that myself of others.

Occasionally even if you don't post a comment you may look in and think...he's not doing so bad or you can say "Nothing has changed, I was right"

I hope this isn't as long answer to your comment or seen as blaming others.

Take Care whatever you do.

28 February 2016 at 23:29  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I've been fair, truthful. Not known for blocking or not allowing critical comments about myself and the main one of late is not all it seems so not sure I gain anything posting them.

As for reading of time tables of buses, food and other similar things being boring etc...could be. Not sure that many do much different day in day out.

No, that's unfair, they have have hobbies that take them somewhere, they may help in the community. Depending on age or social networks, family size and many other things be able to write of so much.

The main thing that has annoyed this time I haven't gone into detail so what's happening there is an unknown on here.

I was only talking about a news story that had broken nothing else. My fears being the same as many. If I defend or excuse myself I'll probably be criticised and be told I'm blaming others or it will be seen as long winded.

I could go back to doing a blog of long running commentary on the media and what it covers. Celebrity, world politics and so on but many are dedicated to that specifically. This is no more than ramblings, a kind of diary. If you were part of it, thank you. This comes because of another comment I am sitting on and thinking about. I do think about what people say and do not dismiss their thoughts.

29 February 2016 at 09:21  

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