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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday Was Good...

Mobility better for me...I found a better way to get to the Chinese New Year Dragon display in Durham. These days its actually better to catch a bus from my town and then get off the bus on the outskirts of Durham in the middle of nowhere and catch another that runs every 15 minutes but goes into the town a different way.

I arrived approx 15 minutes before the dance started. It was brilliant especially considering the dragon was much smaller than the one I saw last week in Sunderland and as far as I could see there were no Chinese taking part and it seemed to be performed by English people(is that the correct term?)In Sunderland the performers were mainly Chinese.

Their display lasted 15 minutes.

Chinese New Year Celebrations in the Sunderland Museum.
(Due to the weather and a small corridor I did not get as many images as I'd have liked)

Chinese New Year Celebrations in Durham City
(My camera failed and refused to take images so the video is actually better)

I could've hung around in Durham longer but hopped on a bus to a neighbouring town and did a very small shop and timed it so I caught another bus without waiting much and came home feeling good.

I was a bit concerned the weather would not hold as setting out we hit a spot of freezing rain and without gloves my hands were freezing. But it picked up and stayed fine in Durham so the display went ahead as planned.

In the neighbouring town we had a couple of nasty showers a mixture of rain and hail. Luckily, I was reasonably wrapped up. And once home looking out later we seemed to have quite a wet night.

I have left it quite late to consider going out today and its not bad weather wise but I don't want to go shopping and with a Sunday bus service getting around is limited. If I am honest mobility isn't as good today so maybe not a bad idea being home. I think I have a small dose of gout again. I'll listen to the radio, do some more house work, perhaps a wash. Rest a bit. Go out to the Bingo(there's only two of us tonight)

The weather looks quite good(fluffy clouds, blue sky and sun)and the days are getting longer. So perhaps I will get out more and I'll pull the garden into shape as I said earlier.

I may make the effort later and do a nice meal. I'll take a couple of items(not much)for the bingo(perhaps a ham bap and crisps)just a put off.

Been knocked for six a little today as word got back to me that another person I know was taken into hospital yesterday and passed away. I fear this is going to be something I will have happen more and more in my life(its them or me)and its the part of life that to be honest sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics! :)


15 February 2016 at 23:20  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank You...on the spur of the moment I took off to the local theatre tonight and saw Gilbert O'Sulivan. There were a few seats still available.

15 February 2016 at 23:53  

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