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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Not A Place I Know Well...

and can say I have been there a lot but luckily there is a bus to Sunderland hourly until teatime. And though sometimes we are not served well by public transport it is close to where I live. It takes around 90 mins and saves me changing buses and adding extra time to the journey.

I don't know what the weather has in store today but its a look out, I'm only sitting on a bus and it comes to a destination so if I want to I can even go to sleep. If I manage to get the same bus home it stops even nearer to where I live than the outward journey.

I have never been before...its the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens where they will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. It runs from 11am-3pm but I doubt it will change much between those hours so I may not need to stay the whole time and I am going for the 9.30am bus which later than originally planned so I will be there for around 11.30am. Its better than going to early and hanging around waiting for the place to open.

So I am away now to get all my gear together because it could be chilly, also to get shaved. Of I am ready nice and early I can relax and know all I have to do is leave as it gets near to the time to board the bus. Not much walking involved either.


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