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Sunday, December 27, 2015

I Was Sleepy By 9pm...

last evening so gave up my TV watching which was sad as a film I planned for days to watch was missed. I also missed an adaptation of an Agatha Christie thriller. Some comedy. I'll try and see some of these on catch up later.

I watch an interesting mash up of Charles Dickens novels where someone has managed to weave characters from all his novels so they are interconnected which is a bit of fun and so far I think I shall stick with it to the end.

My fancy last night was a small bowl of chips and gravy. How simple is that?

I am heading out soon for a bus ride and a small look around the sales. And there's the clue "Looking" Going early I will probably be back early too.

As I write I realise I forgot to watch the brass band I follow trying to broadcast on Christmas night on the internet. Its a bit late now. I remembered most of Christmas Day so to forget is more than annoying.

Well I better get going...I'll shave later the whiskers have not quite grown enough to make me look too scruffy.


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