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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Is Almost Over...

Changed plans...through missing a bus...I travelled to a neighbouring town and found unlike many towns using Sunday trading hours many shops were either closed or opening 11am-5pm not 10am-4pm so I hopped another bus to Durham.

It was a really beautiful sunny December day and hard to believe the weather and flooding affecting so many but the clues were there. Fields with water standing on many of them.

Upon going out tonight it was raining again and coming home its misty.

I don't need clothes, electrical items, little food and the buying of a computer/laptop and/or furniture will happen later in the year.

I purchased my vitamins and minerals and Christmas wrapping paper, cards and bags(I may have enough to last the next two Christmases)I spent £9 and saved £20. An example? I found high quality wrapping paper this time worth £2 a roll for 50p.

I was walking better today too. Mind I had taken painkillers.

I had chocolate cake and coffee when I came home and put a small party food buffet together for the night out this evening but plenty left to bring home. So I can snack as and when.

I need no food and can make some lovely meals(salads and/or meat and two veg type meals)and fruit.

For someone who tends to avoid TV I have a fair bit of catching up to do and some promising shows starting in the New Year. I may as well get something out of my TV licence.

I had a couple of vodka and lemonades tonight so I am quite relaxed, it doesn't take that much.


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