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Location: United Kingdom

Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Christmas!

For anyone who should stumble across my blog, who has read it and/or has commented thank you and may I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.

This blog post is quite short because its still early and I am returning to bed(just got up to have medication and a coffee, a little later I will be getting shaved and dressed. Then hopping into a shared taxi to have Christmas Lunch possibly tea with a few others kind enough to have invited me and then home.

I hear different reports of the weather depending on where you live in the UK but here the rain has stopped but it does sound quite blustery out there but yes its mild and so far unlikely there will be snow.


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