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Monday, December 28, 2015

Its A Bit Like Being In Limbo...

Not for those who are working or are caught up in the nightmare scenario of the floods happening across much of the UK but though many days seem the same for me, sometimes the Festive period does make you stop and ask "What day is this?

What should I do?

I am going to consider some more washing of clothes. Cooking of some meals. I think that I may take some more party food with me for my club tomorrow night(enough for my table)

If I have a look out today I shall buy some New Year's cards(Christmas cards are no longer suitable)and I will send to those I missed and still have addresses for but sadly a few will not receive any acknowledgement unless I can find my address book or details somewhere on the computer.

It looks damp and cold out there but I don't think its raining at present.

I cannot see any point going anywhere for the sake of doing so. Perhaps I'll catch up on some TV I have missed via the internet.

I can get away without shaving today and my whiskers have not grown that much to look scruffy. A day for doing not that much to be honest.

BBC Radio 4 is getting a little stuffy and disappearing up its own bottom this morning so I will look for something else to watch or listen to. As we are still in a kind of limbo there are still a few "Different" things to see and hear on TV and radio.


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