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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Could Not See The Tree...

from outside so I have dragged it to the window so at least half if it can be seen. None of my windows are full length. But OK finally an image of my Christmas Tree.

In the meantime...I have sorted the Christmas Presents out. I managed to ease into the supermarket "Dead" easily. I have prawns...and after hearing a friend talk of a full English Breakfast some lovely streaky bacon and mushrooms(I have everything else here)Its been ages since I had that.

I also found some salmon fillet and a beef and ale casserole(serves four)worth £6 for £2 and it won't be wasted. My friend's Mother is offering space in her freezer's for many of the items that I have but cannot fit into mine. So I'm taking some items with me tomorrow when I go for my lunch and...I#ve been promised some food to bring home. So today has turned out well.

So I may have a salad later(keeping it light)I may also have a drink this evening too.

For now I am going to have rest, listen to the radio and have a coffee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty tree! Merry Christmas! :)


24 December 2015 at 13:24  

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