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Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Weather Seems Mild...

I think I have paced myself quite well this week so having slept well and staying in for most of the week I'll head to Spennymoor around 7am.  After a very small shop in the supermarket there(I like certain products that retailer sells)I'll pop into some local retailers and see if I can find my last small Christmas gifts. I need Christmas cards. And cake for the buffet tomorrow night. Crisps too(I'll see if any are on offer)if I find some I'll get them so I have some for the next few buffets and keep some back for my New Year spread.

If not on my return bus ride I will stop off in Ferryhill which by then shops will have opened and see if I can get some fresh vegetables from a fruiterers and something from another bargain retailer there. A bus will then either bring me home and I will drop off what I have purchased and perhaps do nothing else. I could be finished by 10am. The rest of the day is free.

Or continue to Darlington without coming home but it may be easier to get rid of what I have purchased and start afresh.

Not expecting the day to be that expensive. The most expensive item will probably be some booze for someone for Christmas Day. That may be easier to bring home and cheaper if I wait until on my own town. And that can be purchased next week.

This time I am going to take my shopping trolley which I haven't used for quite some time.

For tonight's meal I am cooking chicken casserole in the slow cooker, there could be enough for two meals.

At this rate I won't be spending or buying much and able to stay out of the shops until after Christmas and as my regular reader says I won't be taken in with the hype of over buying on food. After all one big supermarket is open again the next day on my town. Only streets away but if I have bread, milk, a little meat and vegetables I can avoid going out on Boxing Day too.

And I have the day planned out reasonably well. If I do tire myself I can take it easy from now on. There are no bingo clubs until January 7th but the music club is continuing without a break over the festive period. And my next theatre visit happens on January 4th, a night of Viennese music.

Update:Still mild out there but I think that I can hear a wind blowing so I'll wrap up well(just in case)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right not to get too caught up in the consumer hype of Christmas. Yes, it's nice to have some nice seasonal food but as you say the shops are open again within a day of Christmas. I have tried to plan each meal instead of just buying an unplanned mass of food and drink. However, it is tempting and that is what the constant steam of supermarket adverts want us to do. I hope you and your readers have a happy, peaceful and restful time this Christmas. I'm looking forward to some time off work and to being cosy and comfortable at home. I thought today that in spite if all the fancy processed Christmas foods, nothing tastes more yummy and epitomises the festive season better than a perfectly ripe satsuma!

19 December 2015 at 21:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I will be wishing(Christmas Greetings etc...)soon. Simple is often best. I have bothered more this year(its taken me three years)to feel comfortable with the season. I hope the New Year continues in a similar way. Its been a good day and I feel really tip top(emotionally)I'm not stressing out.

I have blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas. I used to like satsumas so perhaps that's a thought.

I've been putting fruit into my porridge again and if it is similar to crumble without the custard or cream. Its a way of getting fruit into the diet.

I mentioned getting booze as a Christmas Gift for someone(and though I drink very little)and am careful having medical ailments/the meds I'm on I thought I'll treat myself I have some Strongbow Cloudy Cider. Not tried that before.

19 December 2015 at 23:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Anon above is right - the supermarket pressure is terrible. Got into Waitrose the other day and my brain started thinking "Buy, buy buy!" You see other people buying like there is no tomorrow, and that atmosphere gets to you until you want to do the same. Got my few bits and out quickly and now won't visit another supermarket until the New Year. :)


20 December 2015 at 09:54  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm finished like you with shopping :-) Its gone really easy. My treats to myself were a box of Strongbow cloudy cider and an inexpensive slow cooker to offer me some adaptability when cooking/keeping food warm. I suppose I have to include the Christmas jumper.

I like the fact I have taken an interest in food again and have some Christmas treats in the fridge. A good sign I think.

I agree with the original comment from anon too.

I have another couple of shows I hope to see next year but there are plenty of seats still available and I am holding off in case something else is advertised that appeals more.

There's music show telling the story of Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton and two performers taking them off. Another is a night recreating the jazz club of Ronnie Scott. I booked an Old Time Music Hall show for an afternoon matinee in April and topping the bill is...Anita Harris. Remember her?

20 December 2015 at 16:27  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I said I am finished but I may get some soft drinks in and possibly vodka. I don't mind a vodka and lemonade and making your own is cheaper :-) Its been ages since I made a few cocktails.

20 December 2015 at 16:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, vodka cocktails! :) I went to the Ice Bar in Stockholm 3 years ago on my birthday with friends, and we had the most delicious vodka cocktails there, in a bar which is literally all ice, and the cocktails served in glasses of ice. Goodle it, and I think of their website, they have the cocktail menu, so it might give you a few ideas. ;)


20 December 2015 at 20:08  

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