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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Quite A Busy Day...

Doing little tasks...I wrapped all the Christmas Presents. Thanks to my shopping trolley I got them all over to my friends where Christmas Lunch happens on Friday. I never realised how heavy presents can be. I had to make two trips and use the town bus twice(which luckily stops outside the house)

I have to write on the tags and then everything is done.

Coming home I was sat on a bench and heard an almighty thud. A car had knocked over a young teenager on a zebra crossing. Later investigation suggests he was on a peddle bike. Also and this does not surprise me it is likely he was speeding across the zebra crossing and the driver did not stand a chance.

An ambulance arrived approx 15 mins later with sirens and lights flashing and it went away in a similar fashion which does not bode well.


Having a little rest before heading out to the Music Club. I will have a coffee soon.


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