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Thursday, November 12, 2015

What An Idiot!!!!

I'm up and ready for my hospital appointment and I have just remembered that I have forgotten to have my bloods taken which usually means my consultant has all the information on me when I arrive.

So today all he can check is my blood pressure and urine sample. Therefore a bit of a wasted journey. I'd cancel but its too late. My own fault, so I'll have to have them taken at the hospital and then wait and hope that all is well when they are checked.

I can't understand why I forgot as I always have my bloods taken before I go and I have had plenty of time to do so.

Update:For what its worth I'll update what happened at the hospital probably later in the day.

Fortunate that I can and yes I am on my own...but I have plans to get the Christmas tree I purchased decorated quite soon(even if I don't display it until December)This year I will make the effort to play the Christmas music I have on the PC(1,000's of tracks)and perhaps add more to the mix. I have avoided playing it for three years after Mum's passing.

And yes I have purchased a few luxury food items to enjoy over Christmas. The dates are good right until 2017 to be honest so they won't be wasted. Such as Mulled Punch, Christmas chutney(plum/apple/spices and orange zest)Spiced fruit chutney(Cranberry, apple, white wine vinegar, prunes and figs)Three jars of conserve Strawberry and Champagne, Cherries and Brandy, Orange and Whisky. Paté in the following varieties...Salmon with dill and lemon, Duck with orange, Venison and burgandy wine, Pheasant with Italian Truffles. And a luxury Stollen cake with cherries, almonds, marzipan, spices and Jamaican rum. I have tried to make an effort this year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good that you've got your Christmas shopping in early! :)

Have you managed to plant your spring bulbs?


12 November 2015 at 19:03  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's been going OK Allowing for the sodden clay like soil/lawn. Its put the last cut of the grass back and if it doesn't get done by the end of November I'll start again when possible next year.

I may still get some Christmas treats in...its great when they have a long date on them.

A friend has been to the Durham Lumiere tonight and was a bit disappointed but it was a really horrible night weather wise, driving rain and I suspect very windy.

As I came home tonight(I was dropped off in the supermarket car park instead of nearer my home)whilst at the bingo so much rain has come down its standing on roads and paths in puddles.

I'm about to have my home made Shepherd's Pie.

Resting now so I am up early for the funeral tomorrow.

12 November 2015 at 21:32  

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