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Saturday, November 07, 2015

Sunday I Will Go To The Remembrance Day...

services regardless of the weather. I do hope for all the preparation it is not affected badly. I will put a heavy coat on if required, take a brolly. I don't need anything else. The weather could make up my mind what I do. If it stays fine I'll try and watch the ceremony in the market place(the salute)If it rains I'll concentrate on the service in the cathedral.

I've just opened the bedroom window and its raining heavily so I'll move today's trip to Newcastle to Wednesday and try again.

I hope its better than this for Durham's Lumiere next weekend.

I have food(a pork casserole for later)I can rest, I'm in a positive mood. I may do a little tidying later. The brass band concert tonight. I have to leave at 5.30pm which will get me there 45 minutes before it starts. I could risk a later one but pushing my luck for a decent seat and being there in time.

Coming home I think I can hit a bus at 9.50pm otherwise I have to wait an hour(and there's nowhere to go)Just to save standing in the street under a bus shelter(if I miss that)I'll catch a bus to a neighbouring town at 10.10pm and connect to another that hopefully will arrive here for 11pm which is still thirty minutes sooner than hanging around in the street for the last bus where the concert is held. However, I work it I'll always be between services and have some waiting. If there are refreshments after the concert I may be able to stay in the warmth of the church rather than out on the streets.

Update:Great concert and selection of music for the Brass Band Concert. I had a great seat too. And one of the band was very kind and brought me home rather than have me wait for a bus. How kind is that?


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