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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Taking Off To See...

A matinee of the play The importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde starring Nigel Havers, Martin Jarvis, Sian Phillips, Rosaland Ayres, Christine Kavanagh, Carmen Du Sautoy, Nigel Anthony and David Shaw Parker. I'm bound to have missed out someone. They don't all get a mention on the posters and flyers. It starts in approx two hours so must dash. I have managed to find a seat in the third row from the front almost centre. Its a little cheaper being a matinee and I have secured a concession too. £5 is £5 after all.

Update:If the play comes near you and you can afford a ticket, do go and see it. The set magnificent and the production is superb.

There is a twist...should I say what it is? Oh alright then...the play is performed straight as Oscar Wilde intended. However, it starts off with a set of actors meeting to rehearse the play which gets around the fact that the cast(in real life)are older than the characters they are playing.

After all, the last time that Nigel and Martin were in this play(together as it happens)was 33 years ago.

They had a little chat with the audience at the end of the play(well four of them did)but out of the above only Nigel and Christine took part(and could be called central to the play)Not having a theatre programme I was not familiar with some of the cast. I have a few photo's, I could've taken more but kept it to a few.


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