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Friday, October 30, 2015

I Could Wait Until Tomorrow...

But I think I will make the effort and travel to Durham and buy my Lulu ticket. I may buy some salad too. Then tomorrow is free. But the weather is really horrible out there, hopefully it will clear out a little by lunchtime. I'll take an empty rucksack. That way I can avoid using a carrier bag which can throw my walking out even more when its full and the other hand has a walking stick. And today I may need a free hand for a brolly. The sky is still colourless but I think it is brighter than it was.

I have had my meds, coffee and toast and marmalade. I don't feel too bad. I know some difficult times are ahead but I'll deal with them when I have to but living for today and now, it could be much worse.

I have some radio I would like to hear this evening and tomorrow...and by not having to go out tomorrow means I can relax(How many times can I use the word tomorrow in a post? Download rolleyes 7)

I may wonder to a local shopping mall and see what they have on for Halloween entertainment but I can head out at lunchtime. Then I have to get home in good time so I am ready for the 80th Birthday party planned for the evening.

Update:The weather turned for the better. I caught a bus to a neighbouring town and had an interesting chat on the bus with a ex soldier who has Bipolar issues and PTS. He welcomed the chat. I popped into ASDA and found some bargains, then a bus to Durham, I now have my Lulu ticket. A bus home and I have had a tomato sandwich and coffee.

Now taking it easy. Not happy flowers and chocolates have not been delivered. I guess I'll have to be there when the florists open in the morning but we've been let down whatever happens.

Late message...they eventually arrived and were appreciated. Relief all around.


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