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Friday, October 16, 2015

The Weekend Starts Here???

Thursday passed by...because I had to use a taxi the win at my bingo was cancelled out but at least I cannot say that I was really out of pocket. It means that £6 stayed in my pocket Download laughing 6

I had chicken salad when I came home and I have found because I eat small portions I can make a £1 prepared salad last three to four meals so that's good value. I am cooking Lamb and vegetable stew in the slow cooker again(and I can make that go quite a long way)I think it will have to go in the fridge and be eaten on Saturday otherwise there won't be room for the buffet at the music evening I am going to.Download eating & drinking 9It would help if I remembered to switch the cooker on. I thought that I had and found two hours later...I hadn't. The event has been put back from 7.30pm to 7.45pm but I hear its a small venue that gets packed so you need to get there early. One bus is too late, the other means I will be there too early but they may let me in early. I hope that the weather is kind if I have to wait outside. 

I will be prepared...brolly, hat, gloves and scarf at the ready. Creeping nearer the idea of a compositor for the garden rather than throwing out the garden rubbish and some food waste. I may have to order online and have it delivered.

So I may be missing most of today...hopefully all for good reasons.


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