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Location: United Kingdom

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I Did It...

I was out the door at 7am and feeling cosy in my hat, scarf and gloves. Still wearing a thin jerkin type coat. Then around 9.30am I decided because the weather was so nice and it had become warmer I could pop all of them into my rucksack.

The two supermarkets let me down. What I wanted wasn't on the shelves. I need an even larger branch so will have to look at other towns in future and travel a little further perhaps. Also, on many items(which I did consider purchasing)were too close to their use by date. Many were today's date. Even on offer later in the day I think they'll have difficulty shifting the stock.

However, I found some lovely prepared salads each will do at least two meals and/or can be used in sandwiches. Well priced too. I found some sandwich filler spreads too and packets of corned beef.

Rather than wait for a bus and come home, a bus arrived to go to another town so I hopped on that and it stopped near a branch of the retailer I wanted to buy my garden trowel and fork from. Could I find them? Ask an assistant you say but I had walked around all the garden stuff.

Well, as I was in store and its larger than the branch on my town I decided to walk around the whole store. Just as well I did as I found what I was looking for and found for £3 a manual cultivator. So a good shopping trip altogether.

Hopped on a bus and was home by lunchtime. And I've even had a snooze.

Its getting colder again and though sunny outside I can see twilight starting.

All human life is out there...on the way out this morning I passed a house on my town where someone in his pyjamas was walking his dog. And on the way back a police car shot past my bus with its siren going and later we found it stopped at a bus stop on my route, it had joined another police car and a policeman was trying to save someone's life on the pavement pressing on their chest I have no idea of the age or gender of the person or the outcome(I was on the wrong side of the bus)

Further on my journey another bus was hurrying to the same incident. The town has an ambulance station and big hospital very close to the location of the emergency but it was the police doing what they could for this person. I hope it came out OK.


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