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Monday, November 03, 2014

Its All About Food Again...

I was only without Turkey, Venison*, Duck** and Pork in my fridge/freezer so decided to do something about that. I will buy the first three later when there is room to put them in there and as a change but I came across some lovely diced pork for £3 and that will last me a fair few meals the way I will use it. Thinking casseroles/stews/stir fry's.

The Lamb Casserole is in the slow cooker and I will eat it later or have it tomorrow reheated via the microwave and have a spare meal for another day, possibly two.

The weather seems colder today...thinking around 12-14c indoors. I have gone and to get the warm slippers and dressing gown. I do not mind wearing a woolly hat. Its true if your extremities are warm usually you will be too. Its just slightly chilly...Not forgetting warm drinks. If I do all the advice many charities offer I will be quite toastie.

I'm watching the American version of the British quiz The Chase, its OK but I dislike the over noisy audience "Whooping!" and "Hollering!" At 9pm I am following the TV series about the early days of Gotham city and the policeman who eventually became Commissioner Gordon in the Batman comics, TV series and movies.

I played Bingo with the elderly earlier today. I didn't win. I also found that the limited town bus service had changed its operator and times today and it meant hanging around for 45 minutes, had I known I could have gone out much later. It also managed to be late. I'll know for next time.

I think that I am fighting the gout again but at least I am aware of it this time and hopefully I can fight it off with lots of fruit/veg and water/veg juice/barley water. But I am always careful to eat small portions of certain foods and have a variety of foods.

Update:I gave Lamb Casserole was very tasty...Also it seems to have warmed up indoors and I have been quite cosy.

In my casserole...Lamb, garlic, carrot, swede, leek, onion, celery, potato.

*I only buy venison occasionally(and I have only tried it in the past year or two)and I'm not a great fan, its an acquired taste for me. **I have never purchased duck before and only had it for the first time last Christmas.


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