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Friday, July 04, 2014


Its more than awful whatever its cause. Where possible I try to think "How would I feel if that was me?" I try to live and let live. Its good but sad that sometimes a law is required to put things right. A law gives a framework that offers either a compromise or hopefully a solution to a problem that is to everyones satisfaction because often problems are caused due misunderstandings and often not talking things out.

When it is a problem of a personal nature it is difficult because to the person concerned it means so much and causes much anguish and stress to them and those around them but equally that same person may be over reacting and reading much more into things.

I am not involved myself(thank heavens)but such an incident has been going on, it is nothing to do with me and my only connection is that I am sometimes in the company of those affected and I can see both sides. I am not a trained councillor/therapist but my own personal view is that the person is over reacting. I was present at a meeting which was putting forward how a national charity can help the community as a whole with services it offers but I am quite astute and can see what the real reasons behind such meetings. By that I mean, the speaker will run through other issues when that is not the real reason for the talk and it will be slipped in almost as an afterthought near the end.

Listening to other "Legal" speak from other reliable sources the charity who gave the talk could in theory be in the wrong but because the talk was very general and it never got into specifics it was easier to let things pass. And because I know quite a lot as an observer those who probably made the person want to bring the situation into the open were not present so the meeting was kind of pointless and un-necessary.

Also, if the said person wants to be left alone and allowed to get on their lives it doesn't help when you discover that a few year ago they had their story printed in one of those kind of tabloid magazines once seen at the checkout in supermarkets.

I also did confront in a round about way some time ago the said person and said just as you feel discriminated, hand on heart can you say that you do not discriminate against others in some way over something else that you dislike/disapprove of...Who of us can say that we are totally unbiased towards others and are whiter than white?

Our views can be affected by so many variables...environment, personal experiences, age, ignorance etc...

I'd love to be less cryptic but though I am fairly anonymous here there are probably enough clues that could identify me and those concerned.

My big problem is that those charities and companies that have stepped in to help the person concerned have only listened to one side and therefore they are only taking one point of view and not a completely detached approach so they could be adding to the problem. I even question how expert they are to deal with such issues.

So for now it has fizzled out and hopefully that' the end of it but only time will tell...when its an emotional issue that is often not the case.


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