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Friday, July 04, 2014

Another One Of Those Meh Days...

Don't know if that translates and is understandable. Its a kind of an "In Limbo" day...neither one thing or another. I want to go out but then I don't really want to. I should not complain and in some ways I have done more than many this week already.

Music on Tuesday night. Wednesday in Cumbria(just)at Appleby in the little station there seeing a steam train(more on that later)a couple of social meets(well that's what they are really)playing bingo for peanuts to be honest. I did of course go to Northallerton's big annual event last Sunday.

Yesterday, though I was only collecting theatre tickets I did have a run to Durham so at least I was out of the house.

 If health and weather allows I am off to Durham(with portable chair)to watch a day of brass bands(Sunday service means problems)but I have one chance to be there virtually from the start. Otherwise I miss at least 90 minutes.

And I may/may not go out tomorrow yet depending on circumstances.

Last night I did not want to but I had to take a taxi to and from my night out and though £3 seems quite cheap(when done twice)that's still £6 before you do anything else. And as always I would rather spend that on paying towards rent, utility bills, food we all would.

Update:Gardener is talking of doing my garden on Wednesday so my weekends may be saved and so I can go to the concerts and forthcoming street events in the coming weeks and the Miner' Gala in Durham next Saturday. This could mean I can go somewhere tomorrow so I don't feel so bad if I stay home today.


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