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Friday, July 04, 2014

Anyone For Cricket?

There is an International Cricket Ground(Durham)in Chester Le Street and I thought...that will be too expensive and without my own transport not really possible to go to so I haven't but as long as that last bus continues to run from Durham and connects with others coming back from Newcastle and the like...I think that I can do it even if it is an evening match so watch out...I may sometime soon be posting another new experience and be able to include images...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to get a complimentary ticket for Wimbledon this week and it was a fantastic day. Although the food and drink is VERY expensive (£8 for a glass of Pimms) we took our own picnic so did not have to spend a fortune. Would encourage you to find out about the cricket, it could be a great day out for you.

4 July 2014 at 20:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Wow...Wimbledon...I may avoid a lot of sport but have followed some for long periods and I suspect I could easily get the bug again if I actually attended a live event.

No doubt Wimbledon is a complete experience and more than the actual tennis too.

I am wondering if I can squeeze a game in as early as next Friday...though that weekend has the Miners Gala and street bands happening. There will be time when I get back from Blackpool in early August.

4 July 2014 at 20:58  

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