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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Window Cleaner Has Been Already...

at such an early hour. So far an hour down in the three hour window for the visit for the show...yet! I hate waiting for people visiting. Will add more later no doubt.

Update:Approx 12 hours on. The survey did take place, around 10.30am I should have read the report but just signed it, it was a standard form. The person said we won't know anything until samples have been tested. He kept damage to the minimum. Two holes in the toilet. I think he took a sample from the loft. It took around an hour for the check, not sure why. I did not follow him around. Suspect that he might have been measuring the house too.

I have managed to hide the damage already.

A box panel in the toilet which to me(I'm not expert but it just looked like hardboard. Stuck the woodchip paper flap down again with wallpaper paste. If painted again, it will disappear.

Tiny hole in the hall ceiling but can be seen when the rest of it is smooth, filled with plaster which when dry may be the same colour as the paint or when painted again may disappear.

The above three samples were taken out of an artex ceiling in the kitchen, I doubt they will show anything because from memory, originally there was a plain ceiling. Then years ago it had polystyrene tiles. Then they were covered by hardboard or something and then it was artexed, all done by the previous landlord so to get to anything possibly dodgy you had to go much deeper. Plastered over these marks. Some of it lifted like a thin piece of paper, one was dug out.

This last one was taken in the pantry, again I have plastered it and because its a bit deeper it took a little more work. Lets hope that's the end of this. If it is I have got off very lightly. Looked a bit like a bullet hole. As someone said if you leave things alone its sealed and will do now harm, start disturbing it and you can create more problems than are necessary.

I went to bed after he'd gone and had a sleep which has helped. I had some chicken, bacon and lettuce sandwiches, some healthier crisps and a coffee.

I then decided to go out and purchased my only magazine treat. No other shopping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do you think there are still polystyrene tiles in your kitchen ceiling?

I took all the tiles off the ceilings in my flat, they are a terrible fire hazard.

I wonder if covering them with artex makes it better or worse?

13 March 2014 at 08:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It was done by the previous owner of the housing stock. There is a barrier between the tiles and the artex. There are smoke alarms too.

The kitchen only has an electric cooker or microwave. And there are no naked flames even for heating of the house so its probably reasonably safe.

Most of my meals are cold or microwaved. So kitchen time is limited. And rarely when cooking is anything left unattended.

A new day and the work I did is acceptable. You'd have to look really hard to see where the samples were taken on the Artex ceiling, the little hole in the hole ceiling just is a bit shiny if the light hits it a certain way but the hole is difficult to see.

The wallpaper in the bathroom has settled down.

The worst one is the last one in the pantry. Think I need to fill it a little more but again until painted it will have a shiny appearance.

13 March 2014 at 12:06  

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