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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Its Been A Long Day...

I'd love to sleep but finishing tasks and I think its going ok. Might've been finished sooner if I'd stayed in during the day and also to the music club but I did go, so there...

I managed to help my friend learn how to use You Tube and Spotify. But Facebook did not like the format of the videos we tried to upload so we'll have have rethink about that.

I was well looked after and well fed, fish and chips and later some corned beef and potato pie.

Then tonight we were entertained by Pete Abbott and Gregor Borland.

I am in the middle of jobs before the visit tomorrow morning.

I have already cleared away a small fall of soot in the open fireplace(which is no longer used)I think all the rain was to blame, that and possibly a bird as I found the remains of a bird's egg.

In half an hour I shall secure some wall paper that needs resecuring, a small amount of plastering to do. Some clothes to be put in a wardrobe. Then in the morning when it won't interfere with the neighbours a quick vacuuming downstairs.

And hopefully that's it. Then its down to them what they find or don't find. They are looking for asbestos but as the house has been built over 50 years ago and I have been in it for about the same length of time its a bit late to do it and to be honest you would hope over the years when they have put in loft insulation, central heating, cavity wall insulation, rewiring, double glazing if anything was wrong it would have been picked up before now.

So I'll get stuck in again in a few minutes.

Update:Plastering and sticking of wallpaper done. Clothes put away. So a quick tidy of the kitchen and all is done except the quick hoover. Out of my hands now...


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