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Location: United Kingdom

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Behind On Tasks But Was Tired...

This morning after 8.30am a quick tidy and putting of clothes away...hopefully some hoovering. A wash and a shave and off to help a friend try to post videos on line and fish and chips as a reward. Then to the music club to see an act that is visiting.

Then upon returning home tonight(and if it requires me to do so I'll finish off some tasks through the night)its not a lot of work, just fiddly.

Then all is upto date.

Two days running I spent ages looking for certain meals to eat only to realise the reason I could not find them is because...I have already eaten them...doh!

So its mainly salad, fruit and sandwiches in the fridge now. How easy is that?

Don't think its going to be a brilliant day weather wise but it does look sunny. And its not raining.


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