Good News Is Good News...
And I'll take any that comes my way. Yes, I have an illness and a variety of serious health issues. None of us know what the future holds. I will say(as I head out the door to my bingo club)the consultant was very happy with me at the hospital today. And unless something unexpected happens I do not see them until the middle of July.
Update:Back from the bingo and Yay...I won a house(£8)so that gives me back some of the taxi fare from last night
and having cut back on food shopping I suppose I am no worse off.
An extra event has been squeezed into my weekend plans...tomorrow I hope to see the dance routine in Darlington Market Place for the Breast Cancer charity and if I can find a way to fill in the time, the town clock has been illuminated in pink so that will be something to take a photo/video of...having difficulty finding when the dance happens and the effect of the illumination won't be realised until it gets dark and that still will take until after 7pm.
(This first event I gave a miss, not upto it)also weather is changing. Possibility of some hail or snow.
The watching of the Morris Dancers on Saturday is still on(weather permitting)but now at 10.30am in the same town there is another steam train coming through so I may be watching that. And we're not talking of the length of journey of last weekend to see the Bittern locomotive. If I feel upto it.
Still living on sandwiches purchased a week ago but they've nearly been used up. Good job I don't tire of chicken
Its been a long long time since I had hot chocolate or cocoa and so I may start having some again and occasionally I'm thinking I may have coffee with hot milk rather than just adding milk to coffee and water. Also as a change to coffee whitener. Could also be time to have cheese and biscuits again.
I have been using the internet more for other than surfing, now I have access to some great specialist radio stations from the US and Australia playing music/speech neglected in the UK.
I am cosy in bed now listening to the radio and hammering away on here...between dozing.

Update:Back from the bingo and Yay...I won a house(£8)so that gives me back some of the taxi fare from last night
An extra event has been squeezed into my weekend plans...tomorrow I hope to see the dance routine in Darlington Market Place for the Breast Cancer charity and if I can find a way to fill in the time, the town clock has been illuminated in pink so that will be something to take a photo/video of...having difficulty finding when the dance happens and the effect of the illumination won't be realised until it gets dark and that still will take until after 7pm.
(This first event I gave a miss, not upto it)also weather is changing. Possibility of some hail or snow.
The watching of the Morris Dancers on Saturday is still on(weather permitting)but now at 10.30am in the same town there is another steam train coming through so I may be watching that. And we're not talking of the length of journey of last weekend to see the Bittern locomotive. If I feel upto it.
Still living on sandwiches purchased a week ago but they've nearly been used up. Good job I don't tire of chicken

I have been using the internet more for other than surfing, now I have access to some great specialist radio stations from the US and Australia playing music/speech neglected in the UK.
I am cosy in bed now listening to the radio and hammering away on here...between dozing.
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