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Friday, March 14, 2014

Approx Nine Hours To The Dinner Party...

Well, lets see how that goes. A formal invite is different to just having a meal or snack by being in the company of someone. It would appear we are having chicken curry(a sweet one)It appears someone has pulled out and a replacement invited who I may know slightly because she works in a shop in my town. May know her by sight. When there's only four present its a bit intimate. As said before...wish me lots of luck. I'm taking it very easy and leaving lots of room for the meal tonight so I can enjoy it. I would hate to leave it.

Tomorrow I have been invited out for the afternoon to a place I have not been out in the countryside somewhere, I'll know more perhaps tonight but there is an impressive viaduct and a steam train will be coming across so hopefully we'll get a good video or photo's that can be shared. The locomotive in action is one that was at the exhibition in Shildon a few weeks ago. The Bittern. We leave here around 13.30 and it comes across the viaduct around 16.30 and the journey each way is around two hours, I have been told that we are travelling approx 140 miles. Its a change.

Who would have thought I would be ending the week with these two events.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you had a lovely time at the dinner party and look forward to hearing about it tomorrow. Liz

14 March 2014 at 21:14  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It went quite well Liz, it helps when you get a response and its not left to one person to do the talking.

I did not eat that much to be honest but the wine was quite generous and flowed. Not something I would do often. And we did not get home before 2am.

I want to rest but I have a trip to the Ribble Valley on Saturday afternoon doing some train spotting. So I will say more when I get home, I may have some videos to share.

15 March 2014 at 02:31  

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