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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Guess What...

I thought that I had not seen Kieran Halpin last evening...but I had and at my own music club maybe over a year ago. I only realised when he sang two songs in his set "Bat in the attic" and "Berlin Calling" He had a fabulous guitarist and backing vocalist with him called Jimmy Smith(wearing the cap in the image below)

I did not want to annoy with flash photography so this is the best I could do as often the lighting is subdued depending on the songs being sung. But I have had advice on how to fiddle with camera settings so in time this could improve.

Kieren Halpin and Jimmy Smith appearing at Bishop Auckland Town Hall February 2014

And before they appeared we were entertained by Copperhead Still who occasionally appear at my music club but Chuck Rutland of the group often appears on the Music Club's open mic nights...

Copperhead Still appearing at Bishop Auckland Town Hall February 2014

I had company too and was not alone...there is a good line up of acts planned for the next seven months and I do hope it is continued to be supported as last night we had a hint that there was a threat of closure hanging over the venue but there has been a reprieve...for now...


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