What Is It About Tomatoes?
As I came home last night I purchased a few cartons of the stuff...well I found some perfectly ok of the supermarkets own brand and buying a few saved a little on the total spend and I also put what I saved to a carton of V8 which has added spinach and lettuce amongst other things...but as 89% of that is tomato juice and it costs approx 69p more than plain I shall in future get my vitamin content of lettuce/spinach from...them in meals.
I like to make my own smoothies and juices but unless I am making them to save throwing out unused items, I cannot make them any cheaper myself. The only advantage is sometimes I can make combinations that are not on sale in the shops.
Oh I also purchased some Worcestershire sauce. I was going to buy the original but went for the newer flavour which has added(you guessed it)tomato...What a job to find juices if they were not in the chilled cabinet though. It was probably me but I went into one supermarket before the concert and could I find what I wanted? Even after asking an assistant. I called in because I wanted to avoid shopping at a late hour when I got home. I still had to do that in the end.
Oh the jacket potatoes in the fridge were still fine so I had one for supper when I came in from the music concert last night(I will put images)and a review up soon. I know I took more images than I appear to have and I cannot quite understand where they have disappeared(and they were my best)
A quick easy meal...I added some lemon and herb chicken sandwich filler on the potato and had cherry tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, celery, cucumber and spring onions. Probably came in at just over £1 for the meal. OK its only one course but often I really do have problems eating large meals these days or think I can manage what I put on my plate and then find myself struggling to finish it all.

Today we have sun, looks a bit cold(I love how we can tell how cold it is by looking)its calmer and mostly dry(much different to last night)I was warm enough in bed but I know it was colder than previously. I probably should have got out of bed and put on something extra or thrown another fleece on to the bed or prepared a hot water bottle but I couldn't be bothered. I just pulled the blanket over my head and was soon warm enough.
I gave in and as just about all my sewing needles have gone missing I also purchased some more whilst buying the juice. I'll keep these safe this time. Not the greatest sewer in the world but I can put a button on and now have a basic stitch that seems to work reasonably well. I think it is known as a switch stitch now if I can learn something a bit like a darning one for holes even better(though the switch stitch sometimes works for holes too)
I will start getting ready around teatime so I can get to the bingo in good time and hopefully catch the bus that takes me nearer the venue and saves me struggling to walk or catch a taxi.
Update:I was unable to walk, in pain and so much effort so I went by taxi. Every day, every hour can be different.
I like to make my own smoothies and juices but unless I am making them to save throwing out unused items, I cannot make them any cheaper myself. The only advantage is sometimes I can make combinations that are not on sale in the shops.
Oh I also purchased some Worcestershire sauce. I was going to buy the original but went for the newer flavour which has added(you guessed it)tomato...What a job to find juices if they were not in the chilled cabinet though. It was probably me but I went into one supermarket before the concert and could I find what I wanted? Even after asking an assistant. I called in because I wanted to avoid shopping at a late hour when I got home. I still had to do that in the end.
Oh the jacket potatoes in the fridge were still fine so I had one for supper when I came in from the music concert last night(I will put images)and a review up soon. I know I took more images than I appear to have and I cannot quite understand where they have disappeared(and they were my best)
A quick easy meal...I added some lemon and herb chicken sandwich filler on the potato and had cherry tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, celery, cucumber and spring onions. Probably came in at just over £1 for the meal. OK its only one course but often I really do have problems eating large meals these days or think I can manage what I put on my plate and then find myself struggling to finish it all.

Today we have sun, looks a bit cold(I love how we can tell how cold it is by looking)its calmer and mostly dry(much different to last night)I was warm enough in bed but I know it was colder than previously. I probably should have got out of bed and put on something extra or thrown another fleece on to the bed or prepared a hot water bottle but I couldn't be bothered. I just pulled the blanket over my head and was soon warm enough.
I gave in and as just about all my sewing needles have gone missing I also purchased some more whilst buying the juice. I'll keep these safe this time. Not the greatest sewer in the world but I can put a button on and now have a basic stitch that seems to work reasonably well. I think it is known as a switch stitch now if I can learn something a bit like a darning one for holes even better(though the switch stitch sometimes works for holes too)
I will start getting ready around teatime so I can get to the bingo in good time and hopefully catch the bus that takes me nearer the venue and saves me struggling to walk or catch a taxi.
Update:I was unable to walk, in pain and so much effort so I went by taxi. Every day, every hour can be different.
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