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Thursday, February 06, 2014

Quiet Day...

I have been living on bread and Marmite today(well the supermarket version)I can and do avoid too much butter/margarine but if I like it...I have it. I've come this far and I won't worry now. I was always fairly careful diet wise and still came away with kidney damage, loss of my teeth and other health issues so why worry now. Mum was similarly affected health wise eventually. And though a little more expensive I do like Clover so always looking for any that are on offer.

I was slightly late to the bingo, only missed one game but I did win a line so clawed back £4 of what I spent. With the bingo, tea, bag of crisps and taxi the night was approx £8 and the win halved that amount. If I had been on time and avoided the taxi I could have broke even. A totally free night. Remind me not to stay at home until the last possible minute.

Purchased some tomatoes whilst waiting for the taxi so I can have some salads again...Been in bed already for approx 90 minutes and am reasonably cosy. I have a habit of "Dropping off" without realising that I have and wake to find something I am listening to on the radio has moved on or my laptop is still on my knees.

Legs are going to give me trouble tonight I suspect, bit of the either cannot get comfortable or restless. Will see how it goes.

Update:Went better than expected but I may have a snooze during the morning.


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