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Friday, February 14, 2014

They Say The Weather Will Be Bad Today...

But I must go out and pay utility bills and as I have been unable to get through to the Dr's surgery(I want to opt out of the new Government plan to allow anyone access to my medical records)so will call there too.

Not much else planned. I went down the easy route yesterday meal wise, finishing off the sandwich filler of Lemon Herb Chicken.

Now what to have this Friday...

Its a couple of degrees warmer in the bedroom compared to yesterday too. It has stopped raining for the time being, the calm before the storm?

Update:My tasks were completed so quickly and could have been done sooner. I went really slow because I expected the bank opened at 9.30am(it opened at 9am)the Dr's surgery opted me out at reception with a click on the computer and there was no queue at the post office.

I do struggle to get around and need to put a lot of effort in to do so. But there are still good people around. Two women in the space of three or four minutes specially opened or held open for me heavy doors to help me and one of them even wished me a "Happy Valentine's Day" that kind of made my day and was so thoughtful.

The weather is said to become nasty by this evening and is really hammering the South as I write this post. I will stay indoors and over the weekend do some tidying and vacuuming.


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