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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Its Warmer...

in my bedroom but it is true what they say...extra blankets and/or the adding of warmer items of close really do make a difference. Such as bed socks and I have been known to wear thermals and a pyjama top. If really cool and I am hammering on this laptop I will even wear fingerless gloves. Keeping extremities warm really does keep the rest of the body warm. Being reasonably bald I have even been known to wear a hat.

I have to go no further than the advice given by many charities and I can remember one of my aunties who made it to one hundred and three used wear a hat indoors and a heavy coat.

When I get warm enough I can remove said items.

The best part of being cosy is if you have to get up in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning.

I've had some milky hot coffee which has helped too and I know its a strange hour perhaps but I found myself eating a cheese scone.

I've woken myself up now as I could not find a misplaced cable so I can charge/post my digital camera images, finally I have found it so I am going to see if I can get some of the images posted of my visit to the railway event yesterday.


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