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Sunday, February 16, 2014

How Could I Forget To Post This...

In amongst all the hustle and bustle of yesterday at Shildon Railway Museum was this gentleman sitting quietly on his own indoors and as far as I could see he had no photo or anything in front of him to jog his memory but he was painting a water colour of one of the locomotives that were being displayed.

I have to assume that he had previously sketched the image on another visit earlier in the week when the exhibition was being set up but what a talent he processes...

An unknown gentleman painting a watercolour of a locomotive at the Shildon Railway Museum February 2014

If it could be timed correctly, I suspect it could be interesting watching the locomotives being taken away at the end of the exhibition. Some are taken by road and others on railway tracks but I am unsure if they do this at times when public access is limited on health and safety grounds and whenn the museum is closed or is more difficult to reach if you depend on public transport.

Will it be quieter during the week compared with the weekend? That's another difficult one to answer because it is half term school holidays and obviously they are hoping to attract children/families but this will probably mean they are hoping grandparents will take their grandchildren to the museum.

I have to link to the following story connected to the exhibition, its a little unusual...



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