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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Images From The Railway Event In Shildon...

Possibly the last time all seven of these steam locomotives will be seen together as they are about to be dispatched across the UK and two of them will return to Canada and the USA.

I'd like to post the video direct to this entry but to avoid using up the storage space that I am allowed to see the videos please click on any links you see highlighted.

The Sir Nigel Gresley that was giving very small rides at the exhibition, it is a pity that as this area is seen as the birthplace of the Railways the amount of track there is happens to be so small. The video has not been edited and is a little shaky and a finger gets in the way but I kept the video because by pure chance as the locomotive disappears under a bridge, a new train passes on its journey from Saltburn to Bishop Auckland, it was pure luck that the timing was so perfect.

Because of the limited space and crowds it was quite difficult to get decent images of the engines.

Sir Nigel Gresley at Shildon Railway Museum February 2014

The Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive.

Dwight D Eisenhower locomotive at Shildon Railway Museum February 2014

The Dwight D Eisenhower Locomotive.

Union Of South Africa locomotive at Shildon Railway Museum February 2014

The Union Of South Africa Locomotive.

The Mallard locomotive at the Railway Museum in Shildon February 2014

The Mallard Locomotive.

The plaque on the side of The Mallard.

The Dominion Of Canada and Bittern Locomotives at Shildon Railway Museum February 2014.

The Dominion Of Canada and Bittern Locomotives.

Another view of The Sir Nigel Gresley in action...

The Durham Police are already warning about how busy it is on the second day and how full all available space is for anyone attempting to arrive by car etc...


Blogger Unknown said...

Good Morning - great images of the majestic steam trains. Thank you for sharing them, they are beautiful.

Have a restful Sunday.


16 February 2014 at 12:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

By Monday the local bus services were being diverted away from their usual routes because it was so busy and some of them get quite close to the museum.

Will I go again before the event finishes? I don't think that I will but that depends on how well I am,the weather, anything else that is happening that takes priority.

As I mention later I quite fancy going to see the inauguration of the Bishop of Durham.

I have taken it easy since Saturday in the hope that I may.

18 February 2014 at 06:33  

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