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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Should I Feel Guilty Sleeping More Some Days?

I'm going to start saying no and enjoy it whilst I able...

I heard the start of a top female DJ on radio at Midnight(she's not a out on the town type person)but equally does have a life outside of radio.

She admitted that yesterday she enjoyed a day doing little...slept, made phone calls, slept, made phone calls etc...

The time to do something about sleeping a lot is when you feel depressed/down /have little interest in daily tasks. At least I do get up and go to events, I shop, I eat my case resting means I can do more when I do make the effort and I do have a physical problem that will need an operation when I set the wheels in motion. That will either be my choice or the decision will be made for me. And I think it will mean a stay in hospital.

Now these past nights I have been sleeping when you are supposed to...through the night but I know I have been dreaming...just snatches of them remain which suggest they were weird(not nightmares)and I do know some dreams had broadcasters in them, one was a radio phone in/news presenter and other had a continuity announcer at R4 who in between announcing was frying something and preparing a meal in a kind of kitchen.

Oh in another dream I took a bite out of something someone was eating whilst they were away and had left it unguarded.

The last one had me on a train at some point and standing on tip toe looking over a wall where I saw the old Granada TV building and the new set of Coronation Street which I have not followed for years and I have only seen footage of the Granada building on TV, again, many years ago. None of it seems connected to real life.

The newspapers and media are now talking of snow, high winds by the weekend which may spoil the Christmas event planned in Durham City at the weekend but you know what? The weather site I use suggests that this area may be cloudy but it will be warmer than at present. So hopefully the event will go ahead relatively unscathed.

To be specific the days to fear seem to be Thursday and Friday.


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