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Monday, December 02, 2013

Romance Is Not Dead?

Taking a rest sitting on a public bench in Darlington I overheard the following...

Mind this is almost like an apology...

A man came and sat next to the lady who had been there for a while.

His opening line was "I have bought the dogs some pigs ears as a treat"

Then he said "I've bought you something!" "Its not much" "It only cost £4"

He followed it with "Go it!"

She did and said "Its lovely" Then asked "Is it a Christmas present?"

"No" He then said..."Will you wear it?"

She said "Yes" and a discussion followed about buying a chain to put it on and a kiss was exchanged, then they were away for a bus.

Then again having said it was could have been an older son with his Mum as later I was able to see them at the bus stop and that thought crossed my mind. I did not think it was a good idea starting off by saying how little the gift it had cost in the first place *;) winkingBut you know(and its just a feeling that I have)many surprises and gestures like this are presented in a similar way(almost apologetically)and I wonder if it is a way of heading off a possible negative response or in doing so the recipient is more likely to be positive.


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