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Monday, December 02, 2013

Ferryhill Town Band...

On November 30th 2013 I found myself in the company of Ferryhill's Town Band. Est approx. 100 years ago and I find myself asking why it has taken me over half my life to hear this wonderful brass band that is based approx.7 miles from where I live.
I discovered that they were to perform a concert for the local mayor's charity by chance and though the location was to be difficult to get to(yes its those pesky buses again)I wanted to attend.
I was shown kindness by a member of the band and then others who attended that took away some of the worry on that score and may in the future. I was in the company of local dignitaries and our locally elected member of the Houses of Parliament.

I wish more had been able to be there in the audience. I am unsure why that is.  Cold, dark nights, lack of publicity, where it took place. I am unsure. Its a general problem I have noticed across the area.
I so hope to further build on our connection and support this terrific band and help publicise both it and its work any way I am able.
If you've never see a brass band in action and live, what an experience you have missed. You are supporting something that is local and organic. A part of the community, it is a crime if such an asset is lost. It is not something old and staid. Some films/TV series and perhaps the media tends to portray them that way as traditionally they had very proud connections to the many mines and factories across the UK. And as mines and factories have been closed and communities affected some have been disbanded as people move away often to seek work elsewhere.
A great concert by Ferryhill Town Band for the Mayor's Charity held in a wonderful old building in Mainsforth.
 Ferryhill Town Band in action at Mainsforth Community Centre.
Ferryhill Town Band in full throttle at Mayors Charity Concert Nov 30th 2013. Absolutely wonderful!
 Ferryhill Town Band in action and proving that all that hard work pays off.

Ferryhill Town Band est. approx. 100 years, Long may it continue. And I am there to enjoy the next few years. November 30, 2013.
 Ferryhill Town Band performing one of many such events in the area at this festive time.
The range of music that they are able to play is magic. It deserves to be heard. You don't just turn up on the night, it relly is a case of practice, practice, practice. There are some similarities to the military bands, who due to cuts in their budget find themselves under threat.
The power of such a band in full flow is amazing. We had traditional music, test pieces that showed the bands skill and prowess, popular pieces from musicals and movies and being close to Christmas some of that too.


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