There Is A Lot Of Finger Pointing And Judging Of Those Who Make Up Society...
You make the best of what you are able to for yourself or those dear to you. When you see someone in the street it is a fair bet some of us make snap judgements on a person by the way they speak, dress much of that comes from the media, politicians, the press, anecdotal tales heard "Down the pub" or overheard perhaps when travelling on a bus is debatable but often not verified.
Some are working for a low wages, some will be caring for someone, some will be ill, someone is on a work programme and so on. Some will be just managing to get by and need to use a food bank, be careful with the heating, some will be caught up with the new changes in welfare and caught by the bedroom tax as it has become and for many across the UK there are not many suitable smaller properties to downsize to.
A lot of assumptions are made. Many do not know what life is like for their fellow man when they turn the key, open their door, step inside and close the door on the world.
I came across the following on line. It made me think. The writer has had a baptism of fire from what she has said on Twitter, When you write a blog or a newspaper article you lay yourself open to both abuse and plaudits.
But I'd like to believe it makes some out there think about how they look at people when they next step out to the shops or somewhere.
You can starve on benefits in this country
Some are working for a low wages, some will be caring for someone, some will be ill, someone is on a work programme and so on. Some will be just managing to get by and need to use a food bank, be careful with the heating, some will be caught up with the new changes in welfare and caught by the bedroom tax as it has become and for many across the UK there are not many suitable smaller properties to downsize to.
A lot of assumptions are made. Many do not know what life is like for their fellow man when they turn the key, open their door, step inside and close the door on the world.
I came across the following on line. It made me think. The writer has had a baptism of fire from what she has said on Twitter, When you write a blog or a newspaper article you lay yourself open to both abuse and plaudits.
But I'd like to believe it makes some out there think about how they look at people when they next step out to the shops or somewhere.
You can starve on benefits in this country
When you read about people like Sharon Shoesmith being paid out over half a million pounds in public money.You realise that in this country its all about what you say and not what you do that gets you at least a reasonable existance or even a life of Reilly.
You can be the most evil, or incompetent working or lazy or selfish or sour person on the planet but as long as you say the right things to the right people you can get on in this life and carve out a comfortable existance.
VQ Said(I have written this to avoid putting VQ's email address on line)
"A few friends in high places helps too, Anon."
I won't criticise all those that are bankers, politicians, employers etc...because there are some who do care but the media highlights many stereotypes of those in those professions so is it a surprise that the same tactics are used against the disadvantaged?
Its often a race to the bottom rather than trying to raise standards and yes playing various sections of society against each other.
Its probably always gone on but it seems particularly nasty at present.
I wish Guardian writer Jack Monroe all the luck in the world, particularly with her cookbook.
Sad to see that Shirley Goode - doyenne of TV cut price cookery in the Eighties- had criticised Jack. I still use many of Shirley's recipes, and have tried one of Jack's too. I think Shirley's books would sell well if they were republished, and so does Shirley presumably, hence the attack.
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