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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Good Afternoon...

to all and any new followers that are interested(even if you don't comment)

A positive day(A good to be alive day)which to be honest most of them are. I know I get a bit disillusioned with the greater things that go on the in the world that I feel I have no control over and those I see who are hurting for so many reasons but I count my blessings for what I do have and never forget there are others are less well off in so many ways.

Well the sun is shining but its windy and chilly but the garden is tidy. The house is almost so too. Can you remember I said I had talked to the neighbour(finally)and the suggestion was that the water company may put a camera down the system? The person who took the rubbish away today said he'd driven past on Friday and they were doing something so perhaps that was it? No one knocked at the door or left a note for me so I don't know. The neighbour hasn't been in touch to tell me.

Later today its my bingo and turn night(some performers are better than others)but the main downside is they are so loud for the size of the room. Thank goodness for earplugs. My hearing is precious, I want to keep what I have. They are loud even with my earplugs which are set at their maximum protection level. I know someone who attends the music club and he showed me that he wears some too but they are a different design but he sits right at the front of the hall.

I think some will say I'm lucky to get out, I appreciate that I am too(it may not always be possible)but the night doesn't cost that much and the prizes are small. Others support my trying to have a social life a couple of times a week.

Its my day of listening to the easy music on the radio too.

I have had some chicken, bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches in wholemeal bread for lunch(I cheated, they were reduced and cost me £1 but what would you pay for the individual ingredients and to cook them too)but have to decide what to have later either for tea or perhaps for supper. I keep promising myself that I will and sometimes don't.

May do something in the slow cooker. Do you know I have been criticised for having some gadgets like a slow cooker never taking into account that they may have been purchased when on offer, may be not well known brands or purchased when I had a little spare cash or saved up for them...go figure. That's just spiteful. Especially when for years it was make and mend or many items are reconditioned.

I don't know how well it will be supported but there are a number of "Peaceful" marches/demo's/flash mobs taking place on Tuesday against austerity measures and I hope if I am up to it because they take place at different times to attend at least two of the events(I'd try the hat trick but two events clash time wise)

How many of the events will be mentioned on the media is difficult to say, a big event in Manchester to save the National Health Service from cuts and privatisation was virtually ignored. No I did not attend that one, too far to travel.

In a few weeks there a couple of busier weeks than usual(mostly free too)I hope to attend the light festival in Durham City at least twice just so I can take lots of images and video's, I fear my camera's battery will fail if I visit just once. The same weekend there is a small show in the local church hall, I hope that it will be well attended but someone is trying to get some social events going as the town is pretty dead for any entertainment at night.

The same person is going to try and get a New Year's Eve party going especially for single and elderly people who normally stay at home alone so I may attend that too. I hope that its a success.

Then its back to the Sunday Bingo night, then a couple of concerts booked ages ago(Chris Barber's Big Band)anyone remember him? A concert at the music club on the town, One of those concerts again(tribute to a comic performer who passed away earlier in the year)then a rest again for quite a few weeks. To be honest December and much of the first few months of the New Year will be quiet.
That's why I am able to save a little for treats.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Gildersleeve, I think you should go out as much as you want/can, life is for living. Get as many gadgets as you can afford too, this your life and no one has the right to criticize your efforts to lead as normal a life as possible.

4 November 2013 at 13:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks, no one knows how things can change in an instant, I have been told by some neighbours who know me, my Dr and others how determined I am but they see my bad times. So when I can do something they are too. Try to enjoy life whilst its possible.

4 November 2013 at 19:19  

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