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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

It Looks As Though Summer Has Finally Arrived...

The weather forecasters say that we can expect sunny weather by the weekend(as I lay here in bed)I've been uploading videos overnight...It is a clear blue sky and the sun is shining, hopefully a good sign a few days earlier. But I know summer has returned because I have been revisited by the swallows(or is it the swifts)that come every year and have for the last fifty years...

The speed that they fly and do acrobatic stunts is amazing, if I can manage to get a video, I will but they are so quick and easily put off. If that isn't enough they fly in and out of the eaves of the house at such speed and very rarely get it wrong. The precision of their flying is spot on. This really is getting close to nature...


Anonymous VQ said...

How lovely that you can watch these birds nearby.
I don't know how good a look you can get at them but.....
SWALLOWS: Red chin; white breast and long wide V shaped tail.
SWIFT: Dark bird with whitish chin and short V shaped tail.
MARTIN: Definite white rump and chin with short V shaped tail.

3 July 2013 at 19:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

We used to have house martins, I don't know what happened to them.

I will have to pay attention but they are so quick and fly so high in the sky.

I assume they are catching flies but they also seem to chase after each other.

3 July 2013 at 19:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Checking on the RSPB website I believe that they could be swifts.

3 July 2013 at 22:22  

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