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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fruit Bowl...

Now, I don't know if I'll keep this up but I got to thinking, if I keep fruit in a bowl and within easy reach I may eat more. It may not be wasted and apart from what is supposed to be kept in the fridge its something I have not considered having in many many years. So here it is...with apples, pears, kiwi's, bananas and grapes.
The blackberries, strawberries, cherries, melon, blueberries are in the fridge. Oranges I'll stick to juice. The rest are easier if I buy them in a can or container.
I'll be doing ok if I get through this lot. I reckon there's approx £6's worth of fruit there. It seems a lot but over a week its not that bad and often the berries I have in the fridge are on offer or I try to buy when the price has been reduced.


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